Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcoming back

Well, just as I've not posted to this in a bit too long, I've also not kept up well with my Qigong. And that rhymed.
I will I will. I will do my qigong. Tired I am, but it will help me to keep up on other things, including a communication to this space called cyber and to who knows whomelse (is that a word?)? I am not sure who checks on my page. If you do, thank you. Please return.
I will.

So, tonight I found some bubble wrap, the kind with the big bubbles, in my basement. I found it because I stepped on it. And you know what? It felt so goooood. So here's a tip if you as well are not keeping up on your qigong either: take that bubble wrap, lay it out on your kitchen floor, and step on it. Step and step and step and step. Do a little dance. It's nice. You'll love it as much as I did.


1 comment:

shannon said...

i loves me some bubble wrap!